3 Holiday Drinks That Can Harm Your Smile

December 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — prachddsteam @ 11:21 pm

Two small glasses of eggnog on wooden tableCandy canes, stuffing, pies, and other seasonal favorites can lead to unwanted weight gain, but that’s not the only concern. The holidays can be bad news for your dental health. Limiting sugary and starchy foods can lessen your risk of tooth decay, but the beverages you consume can also affect your mouth. Here are 3 popular holiday drinks you should avoid to keep your pearly whites healthy. 

1. Coffee

The holidays are a busy time of the year, which means you may require a little more coffee to get through the day. Although it can give you a boost of energy, you’re at an increased risk of tooth discoloration. Your teeth will be exposed to its dark color more often, which can stain your enamel.

If you add sugar or creamer to your coffee, it will feed cavity-causing bacteria that can erode your enamel. No amount of brushing can reverse discoloration or decay. 

It’s best to limit yourself to 1-2 cups of coffee per day. Drink it all at once through a straw to reduce its contact with your teeth. Rinse your mouth with water after you finish.

2. Alcohol

Red wine and other alcoholic beverages can be found at many holiday gatherings. Whether a glass of wine with dinner or a cocktail to celebrate the new year, alcohol is a recipe for disaster. 

Dark beverages can stain your teeth. Many contain sugar or sweeteners that can cause decay. Not to mention, alcohol causes dehydration, which can make your mouth dry. Without enough moisture, oral bacteria can grow at an alarming rate, increasing your risk of odors, enamel loss, and infections.

Limiting your alcohol consumption is best for your dental health and overall wellness. Drink plenty of water to stay hydrated, which will keep your mouth moist. Every sip of H2O will also cleanse your mouth from harmful residue.

3. Eggnog 

Eggnog is a seasonal favorite, but it can contain alcohol and sugar. If you can’t resist a glass of eggnog, choose sugar-free options that don’t contain any alcohol. Brush your teeth after you’ve finished.

Your dentist will recommend drinking water over other beverages because it is the healthiest option. Besides choosing your beverages wisely, commit to good oral hygiene. Brush your teeth after every meal for 2 minutes using a soft-bristled toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss your teeth at least once a day. 

Don’t forget to visit your dentist for your semi-annual cleaning and checkup. They’ll keep your teeth and gums healthy and ensure your smile looks its best. 

About Dr. Erin M. Prach

Dr. Prach earned her dental degree at the University of Colorado, School of Dental Medicine and has continued her training in many specialties, like oral surgery and dental sleep medicine. She is a proud member of the American Dental Association and the Wyoming Dental Association. Request an appointment through her website or call (307) 224-9887.

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